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Mitochondrial Cell Training

CellAir Activ

The CELLGYM health concept reprograms the mitochondrial cell metabolism using the integral Intervall-Hypoxia-Hyperoxia-Training. This is achieved in association with non-invasive diagnostics and targeted orthomolecular supplementation.

Train relaxed and safely using the integrated biofeedback training control with CellAir One.

Automatic switching between the hypoxic stimulus phase and the hyperoxic recovery phase.

Continuous recording of the measurement data on the monitor during use and for later analysis.

Specific programs: rookie program, advanced program, expert program, endurance program, metabolic optimizing program. Respiratory air is moistened by the micro-mister.

For further information, click on the logo above.

Why customers recommend cellgym

  • Medically approved technology - Made in Germany
  • Holistic system with a lot of practical relevance
  • 24/7 worldwide service and support
  • Exchange in a large network of experts
  • Training and further education by experts including certificate

Models available

Home use

Professional Use

Use in hotel lounges etc.

For medical professionals

Renew™ ECP Therapy


Renew™ ECP Therapy gives everyone the opportunity to enhance their circulation through the introduction of ECP Therapy.

Widely regarded as an effective method to increase blood flow, ECP Therapy can aid in improving quality of life, cardiovascular efficiency and sports recovery.


The positive health benefits of a full course of Renew™ ECP Therapy has been shown to make the heart and blood vessels stronger and significantly enhance blood circulation. These life-changing effects can improve overall quality of life for a number of years1 afterwards.

  1. Braverman, D. Heal Your Heart with EECP: The Only Noninvasive Way to overcome Heart Disease. Crown Publishing Group. 2005:68
  2. Alvaro N Gurovich and Randy W Braith. Enhanced external counter pulsation creates acute blood flow patterns responsible for improved flow-mediated dilation in humans. Hypertension Research (2013) 36, 297–305.

New to Melbourne 

EECP therapy for every individual

“As founders, we’re driven by a singular passion: to bring hope, empower individuals and transform lives. Join us on this journey towards greater heart health, where innovation meets excellence.”

Bryan Sim & Tamara Sim

Founders of Vasoflo

Get in touch


Galileo® training devices

  The quality of all Galileo medical and training products is permanently assured by a TÜV-monitored quality management system according to ISO 13485. 

For further details go to our Galileo® training devices

Overview of Training Goals