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Sports Biomechanics Equipment - Motion Capture System
Sports Biomechanics Device - AIMedical International Pty Ltd

Qualisys - Contact AIMedical International for further information 

Qualisys are referred to as the gold standard for engineering applications. Indoor, outdoor, ground-to-air or underwater. No matter what condition, there is a solution for you. There are endless possibilities of use for Qualisys’ motion capture systems including fields such as animal research — both equine and canine — and also sound and animation, gaming and special effects.

A great range to choose from.


High Resolution.
High Speed.
High Accuracy 

Arqus provides the highest resolution camera in the! industry as well as the industry’s highest full-FOV frame rate camera. Capture with resolutions ranging from 5MP to 26 MP or with full field-of-view at 1400 fps - surpassing the resolution of any other motion capture camera in the market by 10MP or more

Want to know more ?

Miqus Hybrid

Future-proof your next motion capture camera investment. With the Miqus Hybrid camera you can do both marker-based and markerless tracking integrated into leading markerless tracking solutions. More.....


The Miqus camera is our smallest and most refined motion capture camera. It fits everything you need for your next motion capture project in a small and lightweight camera body.  More...

Cameras for underwater motion capture

Qualisys underwater cameras are the world’s only commercially available optical motion capture cameras for underwater use.

See more information here

Read great stories from happy customers here

Ultium ESP Featured - AIMedical International Pty Ltd


In today’s complex human movement environment, you need a simple solution for getting the complete, evidence- based biomechanics data you need.

Innovation demands our best performance, each and every day. We’ve purposefully aligned our focus on innovation with your commitment to excellence, assuring you can study human movement with confidence. Capture precise data with stability and speed, process more records with ease, and utilize innovative technology with unprecedented simplicity. Choose Noraxon first.

Introducing Noraxon’s next-generation inertial motion capture system, Ultium Motion.

The state-of-the-art sensor design delivers accurate & reliable kinematic data for all types of movement – including high velocity and high impact conditions – while maintaining the advantages of the universal Ultium receiver and multi-device myoRESEARCH software platform.

See the video here

Discover what you can do with Ultium Motion.

Access the Launch Webinar recording here

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Check out our webinar library at

Recapping the 2025 Winter Release Features

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h/p/cosmos pdf image

Biomechanics gaitway 3D Treadmill

Measured and computed signals

  • 3D Force (Fz, Fy, Fx)
  • Center of Pressure (Opx, Opy)
  • Moments (Mx, My)
  • Frictional Torque (Tz)
  • Belt speed


Keywords: force plates, instrumented treadmills, gait analysis, motion analysis, sports biomechanics, sports science, locomotor therapy, gait trainer, active gait correction, restoration of gait, treadmill training, unweighting, body weight support (BWS), Body Weight-Supported Treadmill Training (BWSTT). wheelchair-bound patients, physiotherapy, central nervous system (CNS), stroke survivors, spinal cord injury (SCI), traumatic brain injury (TBI), neurorehabilitation, cerebral palsy (CP), multiple sklerosis (MS), Parkinson, Hemiparesis, increased muscle tone (spasticity), pathologic gait pattern, pathological gait, physiological gait, neuroplasticity, gait symmetry, biofeedback, robowalk.

Integrated Biomechanics Equipment From AIMedical

AIMedical is a leading supplier of innovative running biomechanics equipment in Australia and New Zealand. With our head office based in Adelaide, Australia, we offer flexible delivery options in most major cities including Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. And all cities in New Zealand.

We are proud to be local Australian distributors for cutting edge biomechanics devices including h/p/cosmos, gaitway 3D, Qualisys and Noraxon. Biomechanics is the science of studying an athlete’s internal and external forces/movement on the human body. Whether it’s running, cycling or swimming, our state-of-the-art machinery will assist in the study of energy conservation; and speed and muscle imbalances to help improve overall form and technique. Developing key strategies using biomechanical analysis is key to developing a positive performance outcome.

MOCAP Integrations available from Qualisys Include many options

High Performance Biomechanics Instrumentation – Australia & New Zealand


This is the gold standard for engineering applications. There are endless possibilities for motion-capture systems including animal research, both equine and canine- also sound and animation, gaming and special effects.


In today’s complex human movement environment, you need a simple solution for the complete, evidence-based biomechanics data you need. Study human movement with confidence. Capture precise data with stability and speed, process more records with ease and utilize innovative technology with unprecedented simplicity.

Biomechanical analysis benefits:

  • Athletes of all age groups and skill level
  • Those seeking more efficient movement patterns on field or during training sessions
  • Professional organisations looking to understand injury minimization, proper sport and exercise movements and long-term athletic development.

gaitway 3D

gaitway 3DBy biomechanics - for biomechanics. 
The entire treadmill is mounted on 3D force transducers (DMS), which determine the forces in
the three planes. In addition to the vertical ground reaction force, shear forces are also
measured here. in left-right, as well as forwards-backwards direction. The treadmill thus
functions as a large force plate. A scientifically evaluated algorithm divides the ground reaction
forces in the aisle for left and right ground contact. Thus, for the first time, no split belt is used
here (left and right lane separated), which would significantly change the natural gait pattern.

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Financing & Leasing Options Available

At AIMedical, we understand the need for more flexible payment options. We have partnered with Trans Pacific Holdings, a leading commercial finance company in Australia. The TPH team can help you navigate the process of financing your next business or purchase loan.

AIMedical delivers proven solutions from the best manufacturers of instrumentation and devices worldwide. With local support within Australia and New Zealand, you can expect nothing less than superior customer service solutions. For a confidential discussion, please contact our specialist team on (08) 8294 8664 OR 1300 ASK AIM or email us here.