Webinars Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, BST are expanding their online activities and will provide Webinars with keynote speakers and online demonstrations. Please keep an eye on our website for exact dates.  Neuromodec NYC 2020 online conference The 21st of April 2020 we hosted a webinar at the Neuromodec NYC 2020 online conference. During this webinar Nickolay Smirnov, Bas Neggers and Jord Vink respectively explained TMS, navigated TMS and the application of navigated TMS in a study with stroke patients. At the end of the webinar a live demonstration of TMS and our navigation software was performed. We are proud to announce that our colleague Jord Vink was awarded the ‘outstanding presentation by an early career scientist award’ for his lecture. To view the recorded session click here. |